I saw this today and was completely blown away, so I knew I had to write about my feelings on this.
*disclaimer: this could get ugly, please do not continue if you are easily offended.
There are a few phrases that I've seen floating around the internet lately when I've been reading my mommy blogs and browsing facebook pages over parenting debates, the two that have stuck out the most to me are these: "Why do you care what I do to my child?" and "My child my choice." I don't know about you, but these two phrases rub me the wrong way. By this logic I should not be concerned if I see someone physically or emotionally abusing their child, after all it's their child, so it's none of my business, right?
There are several issues about parenting that I feel very strongly about, and please know that my goal of talking about these issues is to never offend anyone, only to educate and share my personal experience about them.
Most of my friends know that my youngest daughter is completely unvaxxed, and my older hasn't received any vaccinations since she was 2, so I suppose now is as a good a time as any to explain this a bit to people who don't understand.
I've done plenty of research on the subject, in fact when I was first told about the possibility that vaccines could be harmful I poo-pooed the idea as stupid. After all, my doctor told me that vaccines were best for my baby, why would he lie to me? But then something happened that unsettled me. I was looking at my daughter's vaccine chart and noticed something called "Varicella" I had never heard of that before, so I thought I'd do some research to find out what it meant. I was quite taken aback to learn that Varicella is just the scientific name for Chicken Pox. Chicken Pox?? But everyone I know had chicken pox as a kid, why is that something that kids need to be vaccinated for?
This lead me down the wonderful path to learning all about the vaccines, their ingredients, and side effects. I can safely say I will never inject another vaccine into any of my children ever. I won't bother to post any links, because the information is readily available for anyone who wants to find out, but I do encourage anyone reading this to first and foremost google "vaccine insert" so you can find the official inserts from the vaccine manufacturer listing their ingredients and possible side-effects.
Back to the top now. Why do I care if it's not my children? Why do I care if your children are vaccinated or not? One simple reason. Your children are my children's peers and our future generation. I want to see our future generations thriving! But I look at our children today and I see anything but. Children today are riddled with asthma, allergies, chronic infections, autism, and so much more! What are these children going to be like as adults? How will our society function? Those are things that worry me. I am not saying vaccines are the only culprit here, but in a world where everyone is worried about eating tuna because there may be trace amounts of mercury in it, yet runs off to inject their children with mercury filled vaccines, something is wrong.